Avoid rising utility rates, Reduce your electric bills, Tax benefits, Helping the environment, Getting your own independent power plant.
Grid-tie systems connect to the public utility grid. The grid acts as storage for the energy produced by your panels, which means you don't need to buy batteries for storage. If you don't have access to power lines at your property, you'll need an off-grid system with batteries so you can store energy and use it later. There's a third system type: grid-tied with energy storage. These systems connect to the grid, but also include batteries for backup power in case of outages.
Your system size depends on your monthly energy use, as well as site factors like shading, sun hours, panel facing, etc. Contact us and we will provide you customized proposal based on your personal usage and location in just a few minutes.
Contact your local AHJ (authority having jurisdiction), the office that oversees new construction in your area, for instructions on how to permit your system. This is typically your local city or county planning office. You will also need to contact your utility provider to sign an interconnection agreement that allows you to connect your system to the grid (if applicable).
Many of our customers choose to install their own system to save money on their project. Some install the racking rails and panels, then bring in an electrician for the final hookup. Others simply source the equipment from us and hire a local contractor to avoid paying markup to a national solar installer. We have local installation team who will help you also.